Newborn Twins (brother & sister)

I had the cutest little brother and sister duo in my Gainesville, Georgia studio a couple of weeks ago.

They were itty bitty babies. (probably the smallest babes I've ever photographed inside my studio).

They were pure perfection. They each took their turn having a bottle so I was able to capture some individual photos but my favorites are the images where they are nestled up beside each other. There is something so special about sibling love.

Mom was so excited to bring fresh flowers and have them for the session. I always love when parents want to add a personal touch of styling to the photos. 

I love how dainty the little girl is and how expressive the little guy is. 

I could have taken so many setups; they slept so well. Please enjoy some of my favorites from the day!


Baby B's Newborn Session

The sweetest little family came to my Gainesville, Georgia studio a couple weeks ago. When discussing a color palette for her baby girl, Mom said she liked soft pinks and neutrals and I think I was able to deliver just that. We were able to include a few Christmas/Winter setups too.

Of course I couldn't go without getting mom and dad in on a few images and boy am I glad I did. I loved how they turned out and I hope you do too. 

Sweet "P's" Newborn Session

When this family first connected with me at my Gainesville, Georgia studio, I knew we were going to have a great session.

Both mom and her girls were simply stunning.

I loved that the siblings were able to take part in their baby sisters newborn session. And this baby girl was simply divine. Sleeping nearly her entire session, I barely saw her eyes open. She did end up showing me how beautiful they were during the last couple set ups. Often times, those awake images are my favorite. I adored her sweet, full cheeks and her little back rolls and I hope you do to.